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Is Kratom Legal Where I Live?

Important: The Kraken is not an attorney, and the information in this post does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice. The content of this post is for general informational purposes only, and it may not include the most up-to-date legal or other information. Kraken Kratom hopes that you verify information through your own research and that you consult federal, state, and local laws and regulations for more information about Kratom’s legal status.

The worldwide laws revolving around the Southeast Asian tree are ever-changing. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) have attempted to combat its usage in the United States by pushing a Kratom ban, while scientists and other advocates are fighting to keep it legal. 

See the map below for a breakdown of where Kratom is legal and illegal in the United States.


To help our customers stay on top of the current legal status of Kratom in their local area, we created this helpful guide. Check back frequently as we will continue to update this map as laws change.

Is Kratom Legal In My State?

In the U.S., there are currently six states in which Kratom is labeled as a controlled substance and is therefore illegal to sell, possess, use and grow. There are also a few cities and counties in legal states in which Kratom use and possession is banned.

States Where Kratom Is Banned

(Kratom is illegal in all areas of use, possession, and purchase in these states. We are actively working with the AKA and other advocacy organizations to change this.)

Local Jurisdictions With Bans

(Kratom is prohibited in the above local jurisdictions, but remains legal at the state level.)

States Where Kratom Is Protected By the KCPA

(The Kratom Consumer Protection Act (KCPA) is legislation to regulate the production, sale, and labeling of Kratom products to ensure that consumers receive only pure, high-quality products.)

Is Kratom Legal In My Country?

In the States, we should be preparing to advocate for Kratom in 2019 and beyond. With a new Congress and the start of most state legislative sessions, we might see some laws changing in your area that affect your favorite herbal friend.

The legal landscape surrounding Kratom is complex and varies significantly from one country to the next. This article aims to shed light on the topic, leveraging meticulous research and insights from various reliable sources, including online resources and international contacts.



Australia & New Zealand


North America

South America

Closing Thoughts

Kratom’s legality is a continually evolving topic. Especially in the U.S., where legislation may see shifts in the upcoming years. As always, potential users and businesses are encouraged to remain informed and be aware of the legal status of Kratom in their respective regions.

If you’re looking for a good place to buy Kratom online, check us out. All of our Kratom products are laboratory tested for quality and backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

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