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Advocating for Kratom: How To Get Involved In Your Community

advocate for kratom

The Kratom community is a vast one full of a diverse set of people. Lawyers, students, parents, and others have identified themselves as Kratom consumers. There are many folks out there who believe that Kratom should be regulated, not banned.

As it stands, Kratom is a legal botanical in most areas of the US. The FDA, however, has been working to change this. Some states are considering banning this herb despite there being no conclusive evidence which supports a full ban.

Advocates for Kratom know that regulation, not a ban, would help purify and protect Kratom for what it truly can be. Without reasonable regulation, potential downsides involved with buying Kratom from unreliable sources cannot be corrected.

If you are a Kratom lover who wants to help this plant continue to help others, these are some of the best ways that you can get involved.

Visit Your Local Shop

Is there a Kratom shop near you? Many users stick to buying Kratom powder online because they can see a more vast selection. It’s okay if you still prefer to buy your Kratom from reliable sellers that you are used to, but visiting your local shop can have big benefits for you and for the Kratom community.

First, buying anything from a Kratom shop (accessories, a bottle of water, some pictures, etc.), supports their presence in the community. Without the presence of Kratom in the public eye, it will continue to appear as an illicit and dangerous substance.

Normalize Kratom shops by becoming one of their regular visitors. Even if you don’t spend much there, helping them grow with regular visits is one way to support Kratom.

Is Kratom Legal Where You Live? Find Out

For most areas of the USA, Kratom is legal. Still, bills regularly pop up in many communities and states around the country which would ultimately lead to Kratom becoming illegal.

It’s true that Kratom can be dangerous if it is not purchased from reliable sources. Making it illegal, however, will not prevent its sale. Instead, advocating for regulation and safety measures being put into place in this industry is a better choice.

Ask around at your local Kratom shop or search online about any bills or petitions in your area regarding Kratom. Do some research about what may or may not happen if these bills pass. Then, take action:

  1. Get your friends involved. Even if they don’t use Kratom personally, introduce them to the idea and find out if they’ll support you.
  2. Go to town hall meetings in your area when Kratom-related bills are being discussed.
  3. Ask your local shop how you can help spread the word when necessary.

All of these things can easily be done on the local level. You don’t have to be a lawyer or a radical to make a difference when it comes to Kratom legality in your community. Mostly, you just need to show your presence as a believer in the benefits of Kratom.

Connect Online

For many Kratom users, there might not be a local shop where you can congregate, meet other local Kratom lovers, and find out how to take action. Despite the botanical’s popularity, full-blown Kratom shops are only in limited areas of the country at this time due to the fear of FDA limitations and other legal action.

But your community doesn’t have to be found on the streets or in your local town. Instead, you can look for your fellow Kratom lovers online.

From community-based sites like Reddit to the forums of popular Kratom retailers online, there are a wide variety of places where you can find other Kratom advocates. Search these boards and even Facebook groups for information about Kratom legalization, regulation, and how to get involved. You might not find out about some movements that need your help if you don’t move the search online.

You could even create your own community for local Kratom users!

Start up a community board or group online for people in your area that want to support the legality or regulation of Kratom. Through these groups, you can all come up with ideas together on how to support the growth of Kratom. After all, you don’t have to do it alone!

Support Good Practice Suppliers

One final way of advocacy that you can easily take part in is to only buy your Kratom products from reliable companies that can prove they are following good practices in their sources, production, and product management.

As with any product, there are always going to be suppliers out there that will take shortcuts to make more money. In the case of Kratom, these shortcuts could lead to unwanted substances being mixed in with natural Kratom. You should also avoid vendors who consistently make unproven medical claims about their products.

That is why it is so important to only buy from reliable suppliers. Not only does it protect you by doing so, but you will also be supporting a more healthy industry this way.

Find out if your chosen supplier is reliable by doing the following:

  1. Ask about testing: do they test for alkaloids? Is this information provided on the packaging for your reference?
  2. Ask about supply: do they receive their Kratom from a reliable supplier that they have taken measures to research?
  3. Ask about science: do they support Kratom research being done to prove its benefits and help it gain permanent legal status?

If your Kratom shop cannot answer at least two of these questions honestly, you might want to start looking elsewhere. Reliable Kratom shops know the importance of advocacy and safe practices, so you should only be buying from those who are in tune with these needs.

You Can Help Kratom

Sometimes, getting involved in a grassroots advocacy campaign can feel too difficult. This is especially true when there aren’t many others in your local area who have the same beliefs as you do.

In addition to local efforts, the AKA – American Kratom Association – has its own advocacy mission which you can support. While you can make a difference at the local level, AKA is working to advocate for Kratom at the national level as well. If you’re ready to get involved or want to get more advice on your grassroots initiative, contact AKA for more guidance.

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