Hello Kraken family! Today we are going to delve into the fascinating journey that brings Kratom from the lush, tropical forests of Southeast Asia to your doorstep in the form of finely milled powder, extracts, capsules, and more. It’s a process steeped in tradition, science, and a deep respect for nature.
Kratom, as you already know is a tropical evergreen tree that thrives in the humid, fertile regions of Southeast Asia. This majestic tree can grow up to 80 feet high, with large, glossy leaves that are the heart of the Kratom production process.
Read MoreDo you enjoy the outdoors? Are you always on the move? If so, enjoying your favorite Kratom products can be a challenge. Not to worry though – Kraken Kratom brings you plenty of options to take on the go!
Sure, every one of us would love to set aside some “me” time and enjoy a nice, little serving of Kratom. But how many of us have the time for that? We’re always catching up on commitments, doing the chores, or rushing to things that require our attention. Even the weekends are spent on seemingly never-ending fixes around the house, grocery shopping, laundry, and whatnot!
You always end up choosing one over the other: chore or Kratom; a hike in the trails or Kratom; work or Kratom. But should you?
Read MoreIf you’re a frequent customer with us at Kraken Kratom, you may have noticed a new addition to our catalog not too long ago. We added new product called Kava. But, what is it and how does it compare to Kratom? In this blog post, we will explore the key distinctions between Kratom and Kava, so that you can make an informed decision about which one is right for you.
Kratom and Kava are both natural plants that have been used in cultures for centuries for their medicinal and therapeutic effects. But, even though they have similar origins, there are significant differences between the two. Read on to learn more about these similarities and differences.
Read MoreDid you know that you can get honey prepackaged in small sticks for a nutritious snack or a tasty sweetener for your favorite drink?
Honey sticks are a very popular treat at summer fairs and farmer’s markets, but not everyone is familiar with their sweet, simple goodness. There is much to learn about honey itself, as it comes in many colors, flavors, and serving styles.
What do you know about honey?
Take some time with us today to learn more about honey as we introduce its origins alongside our new product: Kraken Kratom Honey Sticks.
Read MoreCompared to many botanical industries, the Kratom industry in the US is still gaining its foothold. Many vendors (including us), are enthusiastically expanding their offerings to expand the possibilities and meet the needs of their customer base.
One product that we’ve been getting an increasing number of questions about is Nano Kratom. As an emerging type of product, many Kratom fans are unfamiliar with this unique type of product. Because of the huge number of different products being released, it can be easy to confuse Nano Kratom with other products.
Read MoreKratom lovers across the country source their kratom from a variety of vendors, but how can you be sure that your kratom is authentic and high-quality?
With an industry as new as the modern kratom market, it can be hard to understand exactly how to find legitimate kratom. Which vendors should you buy from? How can you choose between them? What should you be looking for when picking kratom?
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